A Modern Model for the Universe

کد: 1570 تاریخ ارسال: 20:18 1398/07/07 دسته‌بندی: عمومی PDF تعداد نمایش/دریافت: 196

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مدلی مدرن برای کیهان یا شکل کیهان در قرآن

Researchers continue to look for something in sky, on Earth, under the oceans etc. but I think, now is the time to consider theories as important means in which we would able to discover many facts of the existence; especially the theories, which explain our wide knowledge about beings.

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#کیهانشناسی#شکل کیهان در قرآن#A Modern Model for the Univdrse

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Tim McMorrisIt's a beautiful day